Monday, November 2, 2009

October 30, Day 139 - At Aqua Yacht Harbor

Got up fairly early this morning, but no meetings to attend and no specific agenda. Felt good! Linda tried to update the blog, but we are having to use the aircard as the marina's WiFi is down and even cell phone coverage is poor so we don't have much of a connection.

Gerry spent the day updating our tentative itinerary based on the information we gathered at the Rendezvous. We pushed our arrival in the Florida Keys back one whole month from December 12 to January 12.

The heavy rain started a little after 2:00 and kept up until after 6:00. We happened to be on our way back from visiting other loopers over on the other side of the marina when it started, so we got drenched before we could get back to our boat.

We went to the local restaurant at the marina (Cafe St. Clair) for dinner. It was very good food. The weather forecast is calling for rain all night, but clearing by mid-morning tomorrow. We plan on heading out.

No pictures today .... too much rain !!!

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