Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 2, Day 142 - MM 366.3 to Columbus, MS

We woke up early this morning and, after breakfast, started the process of pulling up the anchor. We had a trip line on the anchor, plus lots of current so it was a little more work than usual. There was another looper boat in the anchorage just around the bend from us. We called them on the radio this morning to see how they were doing. Unfortunately, they had to cut one of their anchor lines. They had thrown out two anchors, but couldn’t get one of them up and because of the current couldn’t maneuver around to a position to free it and decided the only option was to cut the rode attached to the anchor chain.

We had a pretty easy run today of around 30 miles with only one lock. We arrived at the Columbus Marina around 12:30. We did a few chores and then used the courtesy van to go into town. Today is Gerry’s birthday, so we went out to dinner (nothing special so we still might have to have a birthday dinner later in another town). The trip in the car proved to be quite the adventure as it didn’t run well and kept dying on us ….. but we made it to town and back.

Tomorrow we head out again down river. The weather for the entire week is supposed to be great ! ! !

Morning at the anchorage. The other looper boat was around the corner, just out of view

Approaching the Aberdeen Lock. We had to wait while a tug locked up plus there was another one waiting at the bottom to come up. We made it on the locking down trip between the two.

This is the barge that was outside the lock gates as we exited. It was waiting to lock up.

There was a lot of debris in the water. Many of the rivers have been flooding.

... and this is one of the rivers that's been flooding .... the Buttahatchee

Monk's Vineyard at Columbus Marina

This is the restaurant at the marina .... Woody's. Unfortunately it wasn't opened on Monday or we would have had Gerry's birthday dinner there.

As it was, we ate at a Mexican restaurant and here is "fried ice cream" which served as a birthday cake.

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