Friday, November 27, 2009

November 26, Day 166 – In Panama City


We slept in this morning and then had a leisurely “light” breakfast. Light, because we knew that Thanksgiving dinner would be yummy. We, and all other Loopers in the area, were invited to the home of Carl and Greg Vernon on Watson Bayou, just a couple of miles from the marina where we’re staying. Our transportation (Carl in his truck) arrived right on time at 11:00 to take us to his home.

The Vernon’s home is lovely and they were wonderful hosts. There were about 25-30 loopers there. Everyone brought a dish to share and the Vernon’s provided all the basics—turkey, ham, stuffing, etc. We all stuffed ourselves and shared stories. It was a very enjoyable day and a special Thanksgiving we will long remember.

Back at the boat later in the day we did normal post Thanksgiving Day stuff --- rested and watched football. Then off to bed.

What a view looking out at Watson Bayou

... and here's a view of the Vernon home from the dock

Quite a "full house" - Loopers everywhere

The salad table; dessert table was in the livingroom - turkey, dressing and ham on the counter and veggies on the other side of the great room - food everywhere

Greg announcing that "Dinner is Ready"

Here's Carl - talking about how he enjoys being a Harbor Host

All the Loopers - happy and content - what a wonderful Thanksgiving

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