Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20, Day 268 – In Fort Lauderdale

Today was a perfect day weather-wise. It was in the high 70’s with a gentle breeze and low humidity. We spent most of the day working on the boat. Gerry finished the installation of the hot water heater. He installed it yesterday, but today he connected the wiring to the hot water switch and bolted it down. While he was doing that, Linda washed and scrubbed the boat. Then it was time to get out the random orbital buffer. Gerry tried it first on the front of the boat, just above the windows. We had cleaned and waxed this area earlier in Marathon, but it was badly oxidized so we decided to clean/wax it again. The results were great and the machine was very easy to use. We’ll probably be fighting each other to see who gets to wax the boat :)

We had dinner on board, watched the sunset, planned the next week’s travels and relaxed. Overall a very nice and productive day.

By the way, today is our granddaughter's birthday -- she is 16 years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAILEY !!!

Here's Gerry working on the boat. The new little buffer did a pretty good job.

A shot of the Goodyear blimp overhead. They must have heard about Gerry's wax job and came to check it out.

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