Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 2, Day 250 – In Marathon

Today was supposed to be rainy, but it never did materialize. It was a pretty nice day with only a little wind. First thing in the morning Gerry went down to the bike shop to pick up his new bike. Then he spent the next several hours fiddling with it … installing a horn, basket, rack, etc. Linda spent the morning doing laundry. The rest of the day was spent doing odd and ends.

At 5:00 we headed to the Clubhouse for a fish fry hosted by Andrew and Sallyann on Freedom. While having company, Andrew had gone out on a fishing charter and caught more fish than he knew what to do with. So, what do you do when you have enough food to feed an army?? You have a party at the clubhouse. Everyone brought a dish to share and there was fish fixed 3 ways: sautéed grilled and fried. It was all very good and we had an enjoyable time. Back at the boat we prepared for another bumpy night as the winds were building again out of the north.
Gerry and his new bike. Hopefully this is the end of our bike purchases.

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