Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 17, Day 126 - In Florence, AL

We were all up at 4:00 this morning to see the McCalister’s off to the airport. Linda made coffee to kick start the day. During their visit, we’d had long days on the water and many of the days had been rainy or cold, but we hope Jay and Nanci enjoyed their looping adventure with us. We certainly enjoyed their company.

Since we were up, Linda did several loads of wash to get that out of the way. On our agenda today, we have haircuts. It has been over 2 months since scissors have touched our heads and we are looking a little shaggy.

We checked out the courtesy van at 11:00, but as we were walking up the dock we noticed Harmonie II approaching, so we met them on the docks and helped them tie up. We waited while they got checked in and then they came into town with us. We drove around until we found a “hair cutting establishment” and went in to see if we could both get our hair cut. They told us they could take us in about an hour. We decided to grab a quick lunch so the four of us went to Chilis and chatted about our adventures over the past couple of months. We went back for our haircuts (not great, but okay and pretty cheap) and then went to Best Buy for some more electronic stuff (we obviously don’t have enough cables, wires, etc hanging around). While there, we got a phone call from Bill (of Bill and Ruth and Integrity). They are on their way back home after chartering a boat in the northwest and indicated they wanted to stop by and see us in Florence. What a surprise ….. but a very pleasant surprise !!

Later in the day we had happy hour on Sterling Lady along with the crews from Harmonie II and Where’s Linda. Next it was off to the Marina Restaurant for their Last Hooray Night. After this evening it will close for good. They had several inexpensive food/drink specials and also had a band playing which was pretty good. Since we had been up since 4:00 a.m. it didn’t take long until we decided to call it a night and it was back to the boat and off to bed.

At the restaurant bar .... Here's Sterling and Ms. Bud Light .... hey watch those hands !!!

The whole loopey gang at dinner .... well, minus Linda of "Where's Linda" ..... humm wonder where they came up with that boat name.

The band

Click to see the catfish dancing to Suzy-Q and eating french fries .... darn those fish can really multi-task.

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