Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24, Day 41 - Ottawa to Hurst Marina in Kars

What can we say about today except ….. IT RAINED!!!

We left in the rain, we went through 7 locks in the rain and we arrived at the marina in the rain. Along the way, the different lockmasters kept telling us tomorrow would be better. We’ll see.

We stopped at Hurst Marina for the night. We got diesel ($3.05/gallon – if Gerry did the math right in converting liters to gallons – plus it was probably a bit cheaper because the $3.05 is Canadian). Also got a pump out so we are good to go for another week.

Gerry grilled the tuna we had bought the day before at the Byward Market (it was great) and we tried to duplicate the Sangria recipe from the restaurant we had eaten at the night before. Wasn’t exactly the same, but it was still good.

Then Linda did a load of laundry and Gerry caught up on email.

We keep on forgetting to remind folks that you can click on the pictures to get a larger photo with more detail.

The bridge departing Ottawa. It was a very unusual building for the bridge tender. Also this bridge did not swing open .... it just raised up to let you go under.

The canal as we departed Ottawa. We think it was pretty, but couldn't really tell because it was raining too hard.

Kayakers ..... lots of them. The lockmaster told us that the U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist was there. There was some kind of training camp going on.

A tour boat coming by .... seemed huge in such a small canal.

Under attack by pirates .... the water they were shooting out didn't phase us a bit. We were already soaked.

A water skier in the rain. I guess the Canadians are going to have fun in spite of the weather.

A view of the rain from the front window

and a view of the rain from the back

Locking through in the rain .... actually we are waiting on the blue line and watching a boat lock down.

A cute little boat we saw just before we reached the marina. It, and the house it was parked in back of, were for sale.

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