Monday, July 13, 2009

July 11, Day 28 - In Shelburne

Hey, Gerry got up early today! He got up and started reviewing the route for when we get into Canada. Turns out that we don’t have the right charts on board, so he pieced everything together from other looper blogs, cruising guides, and emails. We hope to be able to get the charts when we get to Rouses Point tomorrow afternoon.

We will be staying put today. Last night we had a red sky – supposed to be a “sailors delight” right?? Well, we had another red sky this morning, so the sailors are taking a warning. Winds are forecast to gust over 40 knots and severe thunderstorms this afternoon. We are in a well protected cove in Shelburne Bay, so we are in good shape here. We have lots of company in the form of 15 Canadian boats that have also holed up here for the day.

We both did a bit of re-organizing this morning and Linda made up an inventory of things in those places that are hard to get in to (under the V-berth, the settee, etc.). In the process, Gerry found the shroud adjustment fitting he needed when we put the mast back up, so now it is in a different “I will be sure to remember where it is now” place.

We also didn’t find the swim fins that he knew were on board. So, one more thing on the “we need to get list”. That will make the bottom cleaning a bit easier next time.

Still need to do that liquour inventory in preparation for our border crossing on Monday. We called Verizon and made arrangements to change to the Canadian Plan for the next two months so that we don’t get charged for Roaming calls – otherwise that could get pretty expensive.

No pictures today - figured we have enough photos of storms and rain.

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