Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10 - Day 27 - Valcour Island to Shelburne Bay

Linda got up early again, but no walking today. She took sunrise pictures and came back to bed. About the same time we heard music. Seems the guy on the boat next to us was playing a flute. That was way better than the canons and sirens we woke up to on the 4th of July.

Gerry got up and made coffee and started listening to the weather on the VHF. Saturday didn’t sound so good (rain, thunderstorms, and winds gusting to 40 knots plus). We had a breakfast of dippy eggs and empanadas. Damn, that was good. Then we took the dink ashore to see if we could find any of those trails the cruising guide talked about. No luck there, but we did stretch our legs a bit.

We decided to head back to Shelburne and check on our mail and find a place to hole up for the big winds of tomorrow. We anchored about a mile south of ShipYard Marina and called to check on mail. IT HAD FINALLY ARRIVED!!

About the same time, the guy from the Lighthouse Marina in Rouses Point called to let us know that our “Package” had arrived. That would be the cell phone signal extender diddly bob that Bill Donovan recommended. So, that will be waiting for us when we get there Sunday.

We picked up our mail and sorted out the junk, then took a dinghy ride around the Shelburne Bay. It is pretty good sized and we found a place we could park the dinghy and go for a walk. There were a lot of people there (sun is shining again today) so we decided to just head back to the boat and mellow out.

Linda made Sloppy Sammies tonight (another pressure cooker meal), so we ate well again.

We plan to stay here during the nasty stuff forecast for tomorrow, but if it turns decent, we may head north to get a head start on the Sunday trip to Rouses Point.

The wind is already picking up in here and we are well protected from the predicted south winds. Could be an interesting day tomorrow.

Just before sunrise at Spoon Bay at Valcour Island. Linda got up early to get this shot.

Gerry was still sleeping when this was taken.
Linda and the dink.

Monk's Vinyard through the trees on Spoon Bay
The water here is very clear. We could see the anchor in 15 feet of water.

Smooth seas on our way back to Shelburne - NOT!!

Lilly Pads at head of Shelburne Bay

Dinghy Driver on Shelburne Bay. Low bridge in the background.

Kayaker's on Shelburne Bay. We were racing them (we won, but then we had a motor)

Monk's Vineyard at anchor in Shelburne Bay.

Sunset at Shelburne Bay - Red Sky at Night??? We hope we get a good day, but that is not what the weatherman is saying.

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