Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 24, Day 244 - In Marathon

The forecast today called for rain, but it proved not to be a total washout as the rain did not start until late afternoon. First thing this morning Linda went for another walk – shorter than yesterday’s – while Gerry did a bit of consulting work. After that we walked to the West Marine for wax and a few other supplies. When the weather cooperates we hope to compound and wax the topsides.

We did a bit more tax related paperwork and fiddled around with a tarp for the dinghy. Also rechecked the lines. We are supposed to get gusty winds from the north starting early evening – that means rocking and rolling again.

Right around 5:00 (happy hour) the rain came and shortly thereafter the wind started. By the time we went to bed it was around 25, gusting to 35. Bet we don’t get much sleep tonight.

When we woke up this morning the skies were very threatening, but they soon cleared and it didn't rain until later in the day. At the time there was not a breath of air. That would also change later in the day.

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