Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, Day 242 - In Marathon

Today was a stay inside day. It was still warm, but was windy and rainy all day. This morning Gerry returned the rental car which turned into quite a lengthy process as Enterprise was very busy and he had to wait quite awhile before they could bring him back.

We worked on taxes most of the rest of the day. Looks like we’ll get some money back, but we’re having Michael take a look at them as he is a CPA.

By 5:00 the rain had finally stopped and the sun was trying to peek through the clouds so we took a glass of wine and went to the Tiki Hut. At sundown we went back to the boat, had leftovers for dinner, watched the Olympics and then off to bed.

After such a gloomy day, it was nice to see a bit of color in the sunset

The colors weren't bright, but the sunset was quite pretty and you could see forever

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