Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, Day 81 - Benjamin Islands to Little Current (again)

The sun is shining and it is warm this morning. We just need to decide what to do today (stay here, go back to Little Current to wait for mail, go to Gore Bay, ??????). After a vote (it was unanimous) we decided to head back in the direction of Little Current. We stopped at Clapperton Harbor and anchored while we had lunch. We tried calling the marina to see if our mail was there, but couldn’t get good cell phone reception …. So we decided to press on and hope for the best.

Upon arriving at Little Current we docked at the Town Dock, right next to a cruise ship that was in town. We called Spider Bay Marina to check on mail. No luck … it hadn’t arrived. Since the town dock is right next to the post office, we decided to check there to see if by chance it had arrived, but just hadn’t been delivered to the marina. Gerry talked to the clerk at the counter explaining the situation. She reached right below the counter and pulled out an envelope for us. It had been there since Monday!!!!! So now we have learned two things: (1) Use the Post Office general delivery address instead of the marina for forwarding mail and (2) if you do use the marina, check with the post office anyway. In both of our “delayed” deliveries it has been because of the post office holding it and not delivering to the marina in a timely manner.

We took our mail and walked to a local restaurant for a drink while we sorted through stuff. We had a few things that needed to be taken care of, but we figure the longer we’re gone the less likely we are to receive something that requires “urgent” attention. One good thing was that Gerry got his official Captain’s License in the mail. I also finally received my birthday card from my former co-workers … Thanks guys … it was pretty funny with the “older” ladies knitting.

We walked up to the local grocery store and picked up a few items for dinner. Upon our return, the cruise ship was just pulling out. I had wanted to get a picture of us docked next to each other, but had to settle for a shot as it was leaving the dock.

After a quiet dinner, we caught up on mail, e-mail, voice-mail, banking and blogging, and then it was off to bed. We plan on leaving early in the morning for Gore Bay.

Remember the narrow passages we showed in yesterday's pictures. Many of the locals go through there all the time (not us though). This is a picture of one sailboat starting through the narrow cut. They do have a couple of bow watchers and they were going very slow.

Part way through

Almost out

Made it !!!

On our way to Clapperton Harbor .... we passed this island. The map showed it as "Burbidge Island" ..... Gary and Martha .... wanna buy it??

We parked right next to this cruise ship. This is a picture of it leaving the dock. It sort of looked out of place in this little town.

It did get preferential treatment for the bridge opening. They opened it especially for the ship ... it didn't have to wait for the "on the hour" opening.

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