Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, Day 189 - In Clearwater

We didn’t sleep too well last night – something about strong wind, changing wind directions and changes in the tide. All combined for lots of “bumps in the night”.

When morning finally came, we got up and went to breakfast. Then Gerry took our rental car back. At the same time he took another looper couple over to pick up their car and then they brought him back.

Most of the rest of the day was spent trying to find and pack “cold weather clothes” to take to Maryland. As luck would have it, they are currently getting a couple of feet of snow (yes .. not inches – FEET). It appears that all of the flights today were cancelled. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Gerry also spent a lot of time trying to update software on the computer we’re taking home.

Late in the afternoon we took a walk over to Island Way, which is just across from us. There is an aquarium over there plus a really neat restaurant called Island Way Grill for which we just received a gift certificate! Our friendly dockmaster knocked on our door this morning with an envelope. Inside was a gift certificate from our friends, Steve and Karen (our company in Georgian Bay). Thank you, thank you, thank you. We will use it as soon as we return from Maryland. Next we walked over to Pier 60. They have a mini festival every night around sunset with vendors, entertainment and the like. However, between the fog, wind and rain there hasn’t been much going on the past few days. However, tonight there were quite a few people there. It is still breezy, but it’s in the high 70’s -- quite delightful.

Gerry made dinner on the boat (dirty rice – from a mix we got in New Orleans). We finished packing, checked Maryland weather (still sucks) and went to bed early. We’ll see where we end up tomorrow – in Maryland or still in Clearwater.

This morning when we were at breakfast, we noticed lots of kids walking through the marina lobby area. Some were in Christmas-themed attire, but most were in pirate outfits. It was apparent they were all going to a birthday party. We thought it was kind of early for a party, but later figured out they were going out on this pirateship. It had an early morning departure.

Here's another boat that was going out -- the Sea Screamer -- very fast boat

... and a slower boat, the Calypso Queen

Took some pictures of flowers -- It's December 19 and these flowers are just blooming. Probably won't see any flowers in Maryland

Mural on the wall .... notice anything ... the artist is actually painting the scene and is kneeling in front.

Here's the sign at the Island Way Grill -- we received a gift certificate from our friends for this place so we'll eat here after the new year

A shot of the restaurant

There were a few more people on the beach today ... it was actually a pretty nice day

This is some kind of swing ride at Pier 60. The kids seemed to be having a good time

A shot of the waves (with bird flying by)

More of the waves .... not as big as last night ... but still neat to watch

This was a group of guys doing some kind of physical training. Here they're doing push-up in the waves

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