Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 12, Day 91 - In Ludington

Gerry got up at 5:00 for his fishing trip. Linda was going to sleep in. Well that is hard to do with a “bull in the China shop”. Gerry couldn’t find his wallet and was searching everywhere. Needed money and fishing license for the trip. After several minutes of frantic searching, Michel suggested he check his lunch sack. There it was. Gerry had put it there so he wouldn’t forget it.

After the fishermen departed, Linda went out for a walk to the lighthouse and beach and then returned and did a couple of loads of laundry … after all it was Saturday.

The fishing trip was successful. All three loopers caught fish. Gerry caught a 6 pound King Salmon, Michel caught a 13 pound steelhead and Bill caught a 7 pound steelhead. This was the most expensive fish we have ever had – about 6 pounds of salmon for $170, but it was a terrific experience. We all had fun learning how to troll for salmon on Lake Michigan and have plenty of fish to eat for the next week or so.

We went into town for a walk and bought a few items at a specialty store. We then went over to eat at the local restaurant ( Steamer’s) and Carole used our computer to post to her blog ( her computer had a virus and they will have to have the hard drive rebooted). After a great dinner we headed back to the boat. We had some night caps with Michel and Carole and told stories about how we (Linda & Gerry & Michele and Carole) met. We had many laughs together and finally went to bed. We are going separate ways tomorrow, but we hope to meet again in Chicago. They are really terrific people and we will be friends forever. This is the nature of the Great Loop experience.

We will try to make a long run tomorrow to get further down the Lake Michigan coast. We are still having good weather, but it can't last forever.

The marina in the morning

The view down the breakwater

Fishermen on the pier

View of the beach. The sand is incredible .... very fine with no gravel or rocks

Another shot of the beach

Lighthouse at the inlet entrance

View of the breakwater

The very neat and tidy Coast Guard Station

While I was out for my walk, the Badger was departing. It really draws a crowd during departure.

Entrance signs and flowers at each dock. The marina is very well kept with lots of flower beds everywhere. However, they were digging up the "summer" flowerbeds and replacing them with hearty mums. I guess summer is officially over even though this is the best weather they've had all year.

The return of the fishermen

The fishermen and their catch

Cleaning the fish. The charter boat personnel actually clean and package the fish. However, the marina has very nice facilities for cleaning the fish.

Fish cleaned and ready for packaging. We have lots of fish in the fridge now. We'll probably be eating it for the next several days.

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