Monday, February 14, 2011

Water Colors and Bubble Bath

2/11 - We left our “cement wall” this morning around 10:00. We didn’t have a definite plan, but with plenty of time we cruised through the Pipe Creek area to check for possible anchorages. There are many small cays in this area with interesting names such as Hattie’s Cay, Joe Cay, Compass Cay, Chicken Cay (aka Fowl Cay) and my favorite, Overyonder Cay. We cruised to the suggested anchorages around Compass Cay but decided we wanted to be closer to the places where we planned on snorkeling today. We ended up anchored in Chicken Cay (aka Fowl Cay). The water in this area was incredible. Sometimes we cruise through places where the color is so intense and brilliant it almost takes your breath away. Today was one of those days.

After a quick lunch we grabbed our snorkeling gear and headed out to explore. Our first stop was the Rocky Dundas. These are 2 islands where the caves rival what we saw in the Thunderball Cave we explored a couple of days ago. In addition to the coral and fish, inside there was a stalactite and stalagmite formation that was incredible. No pictures though as we’d left the camera in the dinghy. After exploring the Dundas, we crossed Conch Cut to the southeast tip of Cambridge Cay to explore Tom’s Elkhorn Reef. It too was pretty spectacular. Linda is finally getting comfortable with snorkeling, specifically pulling herself back in the dinghy from the water which is, by far, the hardest part.

Our final stop of the day was a spot on Compass Cay called Rachael’s Bubble Bath. It is a shallow pool area on the northern tip of Compass Cay where there is a low set of rocks that separate the pool from the Sound. As waves come into shore they splash over the rocks creating a bubble effect in the shallow pool. The water in the pool area was warm and when the waves splashed over the rocks in felt somewhat like a whirlpool – very nice and unique spot.

Back at the boat we cleaned off the sand and salt and then relaxed for the evening. A very fun day with perfect weather.

Second Star departing the Decca Dock.  Even though the
land area around the dock was not too desirable, you still have to admit,
the water is beautiful

... and the water just got better. This and the next few pictures
are just a small sampling of the georgeous water we've
been cruising through.  Truly Paradise!!

Our anchorage at Chicken Key (aka Fowl Cay)

Sights while snorkeling at Tom's Elkhorn Reef
Elkhorn coral, but unfortunately, quite bleached --
not real healthy
More sights on the reef
Blue fish all in a row
On shore, heading for the bubble bath
A shot of Rachael's bubble bath.  The lower
portion on the left is where the waves wash over
creating the bubble bath effect.
(I didn't take my camera with me into
the shallow pond, so no closeups of the
bubble bath)
Michael and Jana on Second Star enjoying the sunset


Summer Wind said...

Hi Gerry and Linda,
Great pictures. We are swimming vicariously through your blog. Just to let you know we are in NJ swimming in mounds of snow!!!
Say hello to Michael and Jana.

Dick and Elle

Moonstruck said...

Hi Gerry ad Linda,
What a pleasant surprise. You had talked about selling the boat to downsize after the Great Loop. Just checked in to find you on a wonderful trip with one of the best blogs We've ever seen. That will teach us to watch a little closer. Sure makes us want to go back to the Bahamas.

Don and Lou
on Moonstruck