Friday, June 26, 2009

June 25, Day 12 - Croton to Newburg

After some long hot showers at the marina and a final garbage drop off, we visited the pump out and then headed to Newburgh to meet Edna, Peter, and Terry. Edna and Peter are friends from our neighborhood in Maryland and Terry is Edna’s daughter who works for the DoD at West Point. The sun was shining, the current was pretty much with us and just a slight breeze out of the north – what a day!!

This part of the Hudson is really beautiful. A few of the sights along the way included Sing Sing Prison, the Bear Mountain Bridge, a nuclear power plant, the Catskill Mountains and West Point. (See pictures below). There had been quite a few storms and lots of runoff lately, so there was lots of flotsam in the river, in some cases entire trees floating by.

We docked at Torches Restaurant and Edna and Peter were there waiting for us. We had lunch there (thanks Peter), and hauled our laundry up to Terry’s place. We met Karen and “the cat” (not sure which name Peter called it was the right one). We started laundry and took sort of a cat nap while chatting with everyone.

Terry had set up a boat trip on the one of the boats at West Point and we were lucky enough to (1) be here on the day of the trip and (2) get invited to join them. Although we had passed most of the places the boat went earlier in the day, it was interesting to hear the local’s version of the sights (not always in agreement with the various guide books). We dined on sandwiches, salads, crab claws, wine, and desserts.

We came back on the road that follows the river and up the side of Bear Mountain – cool views, but too dark to get a good picture. By the time we got back to the boat, we were beat and went right to sleep. It had been a good day!!

Approaching Bear Mountain Bridge

West Point Military Academy

On the West Point dock (in case you can't read it, it says "Beat Navy")

Bannerman Castle - real or fake??? The locals say it was created as a ruin to draw tourists.

Gerry & Linda arrive at Newburgh

Gerry, Linda, Ed, and Peter aboard the Army tour boat.
Gerry & Linda on the Army Tour Boat
Linda & Edna board the Army tour boat.
Ed and Terry
The Army tour boat.

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